The #1 Predictor of Exercise Success

Want to know the #1 predictor of the effectiveness of any training program??

Any guesses?  

It’s got to be something sexy like “Wall Pilates” or “6 pack in 6 days” right? 🤔 🥁🥁

Wrong! It’s ADHERENCE.

That’s it!  Rather unsexy and really quite boring.

There’s a reason I keep doing:

1. Challenge models

2. 30 minute classes

3. Lots of variety

It’s because people are sticking with it!

And here’s why.

1. Challenge models work because it gives you a start and end date. I’m sure you know what it’s like to sign up for a gym membership and one month later you’re not going anymore.  Unless you’re signing up for classes or hiring a personal trainer, chances are you’re going to fade out before the year ends. End dates are important.  You have a feeling of success when you complete it, and that makes you want to keep going! 🙌

2. 30 minutes is an achievable time for those of us who are busy. ⏰ 4-5x per week is what I recommend BUT, I have created a new “check-in” for people who can even get 1-3 classes done.  Because DONE is better than NONE.  We need to account for busy or stressful weeks that pop up – they happen!

3. And finally, VARIETY.  This is what I hear the most from my clients.  They don’t get bored b/c I don’t give them a chance to! 😆  I offer Strength classes, Pilates, Barre and Mobility – but I change up the format continually.

👉 Listen, you can sign up for any fitness program on earth and it will ONLY give you benefits/results if you stick with it. So those are my keys to help YOU adhere to my program.

Does it work for everyone? Of course not, no honest person can make those claims.

But you can give a challenge a try, and if it doesn’t work for you, I have a full money back guarantee!  

Want to get started today? Click the link below to try a few of my classes for FREE!